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Catopsis berteroniana

Catopsis berteroniana

Regular price $19.99 USD
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In the plant kingdom, carnivory is very rare, in the bromeliad family it is EXTREMELY rare. Only three species in the world are considered carnivorous and this is one of them: Catopsis berteroniana. Native to tropical America this plant uses a mix of scents to attract prey and have a white crumbling waxy powder that makes it easy for insects to fall in the collected rainwater in the bromeliad’s tanks. The plant prepares the water and basically transforms it into digestive fluid by injecting protons and digestive enzymes. A truly bizarre and unique event in the natural world...

At Jurassic Plants we love propagating many of our own private collection plants. How cute are these Catopsis berteroniana babies? This is the magic of seed grown cultivation. A little more than a year ago our mother plant surprised us with seed pods and one year ago we sowed the seeds. Up for sale are these small seedlings made with much love!


Catopsis berteroniana Care Guide

Watering: Catopsis are very easy to grow, they need to have  tanks always filled with clean water

Feeding: No fertilizers needed

Sunlight: Filtered light or part sun is best

Substrate: The best substrate is Sphagnum moss or mount the plant in any wooden surface since they’re epiphytes

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